PL-6.3 Atopic Dermatitis : An update

Fatemeh Jafarian, Canada

Associate Professor
Department of medicine
University of Calgary

Questions Submitted

  • Can GPs prescribe topical calineurin inhibitors?
    Response: yes

  • Recommendations for deep fissuring on heels and hands?
    Response: I would use thick moisturizer and Tx underlying cause.

  • Does it matter which order topical treatments are applied when used in conjunction with emolliants, and if so how long should patients wait before applying the next layer?
    Response: Apply medicated topical first and then you can put moisturizer a few minutes after.

  • For maintenance treatment with topical calcineurin inhibitor, do you use it for more than 1-2 months? Is there a limit of months per year?
    Response: I think there are some studies even up to 4 months but I really dont think more than 1-2 months is necessary.

  • How long do we use eucrisa for maintenance?
    Response: I go with 1-2 months.

  • Are there any dietary restrictions such as dairy that would help in AD?
    Response: Very complicated topic. I don't limit if not associated with type 1 hypersensitivity symtoms or confirmed by allergist. In adults different story.

  • How to distinguish eczema herpeticum and eczema cocksackium?
    Response: Difficult. Can do PCR but if you suspect start antiviral or refer.

  • Any tips on differentiating perioral dermatitis from eczema in toddlers?
    Response: Not itchy, around mouth, nose and eyes. Small papules.

  • The rash of lymphoma looks so benign and I would assume it was fungal! Would there normally be other signs that it was more serious than that?
    Response: Not really Fungus should spread or resolve not persisitent for 2 years.

  • Is there a roll for food allergy testing in children with very bad and hard to control eczema?
    Response: When sever eczema not responding to TX consider referal to allergy.

  • Can you have seborrheic dermatitis in axilla with nothing elsewhere?
    Response: Yes but then the age and morphology is important.

  • Can you give some pointers on how to differentiate mycosis fungoides vs pityriasis alba or even tinea versicolor please?
    Response: Mf usually is on trunk and thighs. Palba more on face and tinea versicolor upper chest and back.

  • What is the best treatment for persistent nummular eczema in children who have already been using mild to medium potency corticosteroids?
    Response: I would go with group 3 topical steroid. Make sure they are using enough. Sometimes I compound topical steroid plus topical antibiotics for a limited period of time.

  • I thought that the recommendation was to advise decreased frequency of baths in patients with eczema, is this no longer the case?
    Response: No bathing is part of Tx. Once per day not more than 10 min. No soap. Non-soap cleanser 2 times per week max.

  • Ointment vs cream. When to use one or the other?
    Response: I usually use ointment but cream are cosmetically better and better for axilla and groin.

  • Could you please elaborate as to when we should suspect mycosis fungoides? We often see hyopigmented scaly-is lesions.
    Response: Very tricky. IF an eczematous patch persistent and not going through flare and remission. If not itchy if hypopigmented think of MF.

  • What can you advise for management of post flare eczema plaques?
    Response: Can use protopi / elidel or Eucrisa.

  • So for maintenance treatment with corticosteroids after a flare you tell the patient to continue using it 2x/week for how long? 1 month or indefinitely?
    Response: 1 -2 months.

  • I’ve always been told not to bathe lately - when has this change happened to showering daily?
    Response: New guidelines all say 1-2 baths per day. I go with one bath per day.

  • Should we put corticosteroids before emollients or emollients becore corticosteroids ?
    Response: Cortico first then moisturizer. However no study to back it up.

  • Warm water for crusts and then remove manually?
    Response: Humid compress 3 times per day 5-10 min each. No scratching. The crust falls itself.


- To understand the pathophysiology of Atopic Dermatitis

- To Diagnose and manage Atopic Dermatitis

- To Recognize the Atopic Dermatitis mimickers

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