Help Desk

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Frequently Asked Questions

1. I can’t login to the Web App, what do I do?
2. Where can I consult the program agenda?
3. How do I access a live session?
4. How do I start Zoom?
5. How do I ask a question to a Plenary speaker during the virtual LIVE event?
6. How do I ask a question to a Workshop speaker during the virtual LIVE event?
7. Can I chat with other participants in Zoom during a session?
8. How does the Chat at the Help Desk work?
9. Do I need to check-in daily in order to get my CME credits?
10. How do I get my certificate for virtual LIVE attendance?
11. How many Credits can I claim by attending the Refresher Course?
12. How do I complete my speaker evaluations?
13. When and how do I have to complete the global evaluation form?
14. How do I message another attendee?
15. Where can I update my privacy setting?
16. I don’t want other attendees to email me, what do I do?
17. I am attending Dr. Dubord’s CBT workshops. Who do I contact if I have any questions about his program?
18. Where can I update the information that’s displayed in my profile in the attendee list?
19. How can I learn more about a speaker?
20. Can I take notes in the Web App?
21. Who do I contact if I have any questions that are not answered in this FAQ?
22. When does the on-demand / self-learning version of the Course take place?
If you have any questions, please consult our Help Desk.
© 2025 McGill Family Physician Refresher Course