Nadia Giannetti, Canada

Dept. of Medicine
McGill University, Royal Victoria Hospital

Dr. Giannetti received her M.D. from McGill University in 1991. She became an attending cardiologist at the McGill University Health Centre after completing a Fellowship at Stanford University, California in Heart Failure and Cardiac Transplantation, She is the founder and Medical Director of the Heart Failure and Heart Transplant Centre at the McGill University Health Centre in Montreal, Québec. She is a clinical researcher with interests in outcomes in high risk heart failure patients and complications post-heart transplant. For the past 10 years, she has been an active member of the Canadian Heart Failure and Heart Transplant Guidelines. She is a full time clinical cardiologist at the McGill University Health Centre with responsibility for the care of over 1000 patients with Heart Failure. She is also Associate Professor, Department of Medicine, at the McGill University Health Centre. She is currently the Chief of Cardiology at the McGill University Health Centre.

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